Effect of Bio-stimulant Application on Growth, Yield and Quality of Thompson Seedless


AK Sharma
RG Somkuwar
AK Upadhyay
AP Kale
RM Palghadmal
J Shaikh


Bio-stimulants offers a novel approach to enhance crop growth, quality and ultimately final yield of the produce. Nowadays, bio-stimulants containing Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed extracts and protein hydrolysates are increasing interest of scientists and farming communities. However, the potential of many of these bio stimulants products has not been fully exploited in grapes due to the lack of available scientific data. Grape growing under tropical conditions of India faces various type abiotic and biotic stresses. To support grapevine growth as well as yield and quality, bio-stimulant application can play an important role. Present experimentation was conducted at the farm of ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune during the year 2020-21 with the objective to assess the effects of bio-stimulant application on growth, yield and quality of Thompson Seedless grapes. Different doses of bio-stimulant were applied on vines at different crop growth stages such as 3-4 leaf stage, pre-bloom stage and after berry setting, followed by two bunch dipping with varied concentrations. Among the different treatments T7 [RDF + 1.5 % (Spray: 3rd) + 0.2 % Bunch dipping (Stage 1) + 0.5 % Bunch dipping (stage 2)] found better in terms of bunch and berry quality parameters. Obtained results suggested that the application of bio-stimulant (Grade-I) affects vine growth, yield and quality of the Thompson Seedless grape in positive manner.


How to Cite
Sharma, A., Somkuwar, R., Upadhyay, A., Kale, A., Palghadmal, R., & Shaikh, J. (2023). Effect of Bio-stimulant Application on Growth, Yield and Quality of Thompson Seedless. Grape Insight, 1(1), 48–53. https://doi.org/10.59904/gi.v1.i1.2023.12


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