Biochemical Attributes of Grapes Grown at High Elevations in Himachal Pradesh


S Naik
J Tiwari
B Singh
DP Sharma


A large extent of biochemical diversity was recorded in 53 grape genotypes grown at different altitudes in Himachal Pradesh. The average values for TSS, TA, TSS/TA, carbohydrates, reducing sugars, colour intensity, phenols, tannins and anthocyanin were 15.5Brix; 0.76%; 22.26; 147.25 (mg/g fresh wt.); 186.67 (mg/g fresh wt.); 0.62%; 0.91(mg/g fresh wt.); 2.24 (mg/g fresh wt.) and 244.75 mg/litre respectively. Although statistically insignificant, we observed +ve correlation between elevation with colour intensity and phenols in the berries. However, our results are based on different genotypes growing at different elevations and planned experiments for growing selected wine varieties at different elevations may yield better results on this aspect. At higher altitude, enhanced exposure of berries to UV-B radiation and cool climate can lead to an enhancement in colour intensity due to an increase in the synthesis of anthocyanins, flavanols and tannins, therefore, potentiality of high ranges in Himachal Pradesh for growing best quality wine grapes needs to be explored through planned research and infrastructural development.


How to Cite
Naik, S., Tiwari, J., Singh, B., & Sharma, D. (2023). Biochemical Attributes of Grapes Grown at High Elevations in Himachal Pradesh. Grape Insight, 1(1), 23–31.


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