Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Authors

1. The Grape Insight publishes reviews, full length papers, short communications and perspectives on basic and applied research on grape. Manuscripts type-written in English, double spaced with at least 4 cm margin on all sides should be submitted online after getting registered on: . All the authors should be members of the Society for Advancement of Viticulture and Enology (SAVE).

2. All manuscripts submitted for publication will be peer reviewed and assessed for their acceptability and necessary modifications. An already published paper or under consideration for publication elsewhere cannot be accepted. The article submitted for publication in the journal should not have data older than 5 years.

3. Title of the paper, name(s) and address(es) of authors, a short running title of the paper, acknowledgements (if any), and name of the corresponding author (with E-mail address) should be submitted in separate file.

4. A full-length paper should consist of TITLE, ABSTRACT, KEYWORDS, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS and LITERATURE CITED (capitalize all section headings including the title).

  • Title of the paper should be informative, concise and should not contain abbreviation(s). In byline, all the name(s) with initial(s) of the authors should have an Arabic superscript (starting from first author e.g. C Tomar1, KT Kumar1, R Sharma2, S Yadav1 and S Kapur3) which should subsequently explain the addresses of all the authors.
  • ABSTRACT should not have reference to literature, tables and figures. The length should be less than 250 words.
  • KEYWORDS (3-5) should indicate the most important findings, material and operations in the article.
  • INTRODUCTION should be brief and limited to the statement of problem, gaps in research, objectives and justification of the research work.
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS section of the paper should be systematic and elaborative. Equations should be used to write formula. Reference should be cited for known methods of research/ analysis.
  • RESULTS AND DISCUSSION should be presented in single section to avoid the repetitions. Same data should not be presented in tables as well as in figures.
  • CONCLUSION section should summarise the results and their implications for further research.
  • LITERATURE CITED should not be older than 10 years unless the reference is highly important in a particular field.
  • Normally the paper should be less than 15 typed pages including tables, figures, references and appendices. Word limit 5000

5. Review: Word Limit :7000

6. Short Note: In case of short notes text should not be divided into sections except for title, keywords and literature cited. Word Limit upto 3000

7. Reference citations in text

  • The last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication should be cited in the text as per style given below.
    …… (Sharma, 2009); ……… (Sharma and Yadav, 2009); …… (Sharma et al., 2009)
  • If the last name(s) of the author becomes a part of the narrative, cite the year in parenthesis; e.g.
    .....was described by Sharma (2009); ……..described by Sharma and Yadav (2009); or .....was described by Sharma et al. (2009) as a perpetual challenge.
  • If the citation is a contribution of an organisation or anonymous author(s) then cite name as given below.
    ……… (NRCG,2011) or (Anonymous, 2011). Similarly .....was described by CPRI (2011) or ..... was described by Anonymous (2011).
  • References cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically (Sharma et al., 2001; Kumar, 2004; Kanth and Nath, 2011).

8. Reference Style

  • Order: References should be arranged in alphabetical order by authors last names. Sources without authors are arranged alphabetically by the name of the institute (preferably in abbreviated form) or Anonymous.
  • Sequence: Name(s) and initial(s) of the authors should be followed by the year of publication (in parenthesis and distinguished by small a, b, c, .... where more than one papers published by the same author (s) in the same year are cited), full title of paper, abbreviated title of the journal (as per ISI journal title abbreviations)/ periodical, volume number in Arabic numerals (in bold font), issue number in Arabic (in parenthesis; without any character between volume number and start of parenthesis) and page numbers in Arabic. Use full stop after title of the paper to separate it from the title of the journal/ periodical
  • Authors and year of publication: Write the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work followed by the year of publication in parenthesis.
  • Journal title abbreviations: The journal titles should be italicised and abbreviated title of the journal (as per ISI journal).
  • Internet address: A stable internet address directing the reader as close as possible to the actual work should be used. If available, use digital object identifier (DOI).
  • Separation of entities: In order to separate multiple authors, use following example e.g., Smith JD, Jones M, Lipton M and Thompson P (2011)

9. Reference citation style

  • Journals, magazines and newspapers
    Yadav D, Ranade Y, Samarth R and Fand B (2019) Cytology of stem borer Stromatium barbatum (F.) infesting grapevines in Maharashtra. Indian Journal of Entomology 81(1):170-177
  • Online sources
    FAO (2008) Potato world: Africa-international year of the potato 2008. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome., 31 December 2008
  • Book and book chapter
    Adiyoga W and Norton GW (2009) Costs and benefits of Bt potato with resistance to potato tuber moth in Indonesia. In, Projected Impacts of Agricultural Biotechnologies for Fruits and Vegetables in the Philippines and Indonesia. Norton GWH (ed), Los Banos, Philippines: 105-40
  • Thesis
    Naik S (2022) Studies on grape diversity in Himachal Pradesh. Department of Fruit Science, Dr. Y.S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, India, Ph.D. thesis: 250p

10. SI units: Use SI units; few examples are given below. No dot or full stop is used after the abbreviation of units. Quintal (q) and Acre should not be used. Use kg/ha, or t/ha. Similarly, prefer use of g/ha, mg/kg, mg/l, mg/g, ml/l etc.